My Portfolio

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." ~Albert Einstein

Welcome To My Portfolio !

Language Known :-
  • Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Tamil, Bangoli and Russian.
Educational Qualification :-
  • Perusing Post Doctorate Fellowship from BHU, Sponsored by Dr. Radhakrishnan Fellowship, UGC, New delhi.
  • Selected for Post Doctorate fellowship from ICPR, New Delhi in 2016. Radhakrishnan Fellowship, UGC, New delhi.
  • U.G.C. Net Qualified in 2016 from Comparative Studies of Religion .
  • U.G.C. Net Qualified in 2015 from Jain, Bauddh, Gandhi and Peace Studies.
  • Ph.D. form B.H.U. in 2015
  • U.G.C.(Net) J.R.F. Qualified in 2009 from Philosophy.
  • M.A. from B.H.U.
  • B.A. from B.H.U.
  • Intermediate from U.P.Board
  • High School from U.P. Board
Professional Qualification :-
  • Certificate Course in Bengali in 2014 from BHU.
  • 2 year diploma in Sanskrit language in 2012 from B.H.U.
  • Diploma in Yoga from Malaviya Bhavan, BHU in 2011.
  • 2 year diploma in Russian language from B.H.U., in 2011
  • National Certificate in Modular Employable Skills, from the Government of India, in 2009
  • Diploma in Hindi & English Typewriting from Bengal Typewriting Institute, in 2003.
  • 1 year diploma in computer from Apt Computer Centre in 2005.
Teaching Experience :-
  • 8 Months teaching experience of Philosophy of Religion in Mahila Mahavidhyalay, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from 2014 to 2015.
  • Invited to Teach Yoga in Yuva Shivir Organized By Shree Aravind Society, Varansi, 24 February 2013.
  • 2 Years Experience of Teaching Yoga in Arya Mahila P.G. College, Chetganj, Varanasi, 2011 to 2013.
  • 3 years Teaching Experience in Philosophy of Religion, from 2010-2012, arts Faculty, B.H.U.
Extra Academic Activities:

Publications :-

  • Research Paper entitled जैनधर्म में समाधिमरण की अवधारणा एवं उसकी उपादेयता in An International Multidisciplinary Reffered Research Journal, December 2013, Vol.2
  • Research Paper entitled पंचमहाव्रतों की समसमायिक उपादेयता च्ंतंउपजं, A Research Journal. 2013, Vol.III
  • Research Paper entitled ‘The Benefits of Yoga’ Published in the “Sarjana a Magazine of Arya Mahila P.G. College, Chetganj Varanasi, in 2013.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘कर्म-सिद्धान्त-हमारे वर्तमान का भूत एवं भविष्य से सम्बन्ध’ Published in the “PARIPREKSYA”, a Research Journal of New thought in Vol. 6 in 2013 in Department of Philosophy, J.N. College, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘महामना मालवीयजी की दृष्टि में मूल्य के रूप में धर्म का महत्त्व’ Published in “DRISHTI” An International Research Referred Journal Related to Highter Education, Volume 3, 2012, from BHU.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘संत रविदास की दृष्टि में परमसत् की अवधारणा’ Published in the Sambhvya, Research Journal of Indian Cultural, Social & Educational Stream. 2011 Vo2.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘प्राणायाम का स्वरूप एवं उसकी उपादेयता’ Published in Journal “Aakalan” , Vol 2, sep-feb 2012.
  • Research Paper entitled शांकरवेदान्त में चैतन्य की अवधारणा Published in the ANUSHILAN, Research Journal of Indian Cultural, Social & Educational Stream. 2012 Vol.XL
  • Research Paper entitled सांख्यदर्शन के कारणता-सिद्धानत का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन Published in the “Darshanik Traimasik, a Research Journal of Akhil Bharatiya Darshan Parishad in Vol. 4 in 2011.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘काश्मिर शैवागम में स्पन्द’सिद्धान्त का दार्शनिक सर्वेक्षण’ Paramita, A Research Journal. 2010 Vol.VI
  • Research Paper entitled ‘वेद एवं उपनिषदों में सांख्यदर्शन का ऐतिहासिक सर्वेक्षण’ Published in Shodh Drishti, A Research Journal. 2010 Vol. 2.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘महात्मा गाँधी का जीवन-दर्षन और वर्तमान समाज में उसकी उपादेयता’ Published in Parisheelan, A Research Journal. 2010 Vol.VI
  • Research Paper entitled नैतिकता और वर्तमान समाज Published in ‘n`f’V’ B.H.U. Magazine. 2010 Vol.1
  • Research Paper entitled ‘महामना मदन मोहन मालवीयजी का जीवन-दर्शन विभिन्न विद्वानों की दृष्टि मsa’ Published in B.H.U. Journal PRAJNA. in 2010.
  • Research Paper entitled ‘संकल्प की स्वतन्त्रता की समस्या-आत्मस्वातन्त्र्य का संप्रत्यय’ Published in the Sambhvya, Research Journal of Indian Cultural, Social & Educational Stream. 2010 Vol.1
  • Paper Presented entitled ‘जैनदर्शन में अनेकान्तवाद की अवधारणा एवं उसकी प्रासंगिकता’ in National Seminar held at BHU, 22 April, 2016.
  • Paper Presented entitled शांकराचार्य का एकात्मक मानव-दर्शन’in International Seminar held at BHU from 2-3 May 2015.
  • Paper Presented entitled ‘वेदोपनिषद में पर्यावरण की अवधारणा’ in International Seminar held at Sampurnanand Samskrit Vishvavidhyalay, Varanasi from 22 December
  • Paper Presented entitled Different Aspects of Yoga in National Seminar व्द योग का शास्त्रीय एवं व्यवहारिक पक्ष organized by Vaidik Vibhag dated 11-13 March 2014.
  • Paper Presented entitled ष्शांकरवेदान्त में आचारमीमांसा का महत्त्व’ in  Four day Silver Jublee Celebration held at Varanasi from 17th to 20th November 2014.
  • Paper Presented entitled “सांख्यदर्शन में प्रमाण-मीमांसा” in International Seminar on Epistemology organized by Department of Dharmagama, SVDV, BHU, Varanasi dated 7-9 March 2014.
  • Paper Presented entitled “वर्तमान समय में धर्म का महत्त्व” in National Seminar organized by Akhil Bharatiya Dharm Sanskriti Sangam Kashi and Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 1 March 2014.
  • Paper Presented entitled “ नैतिक शिक्षा का राष्ट्र-निर्माण में योगदान” in National Seminar organized by Sanskar-Bharati Manav Kalyan Sasthan, Jaipur dated 9-10 February 2014.
  • Paper Presented entitled “आचार्य शंकरकृत श्रुति, स्मृति एवं तर्क द्वारा प्रधानकारणवाद का खण्डन” in 58th  Conference of Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad organized by Mohanlal Sukhadiya University, Udaypur dated 18-20 October 2013.
  • Paper Presented entitled “काश्मिर शैव दर्शन के अुनसार सृष्टि की व्याख्या” in the National Seminar on “Contribution of Abhinavagupta, the Philosopher of Kashmir to overall Growth and Development  of  Indian thought”, Sponsored  by  ICCR, New Delhi, Organized by Department  of  Philosophy  and  Religion, BHU Varanasi, Dated 26-28 December 2012.
  • Paper Presented entitled “शांकरवेदान्त में जीवन्मुक्ति का संप्रत्यय” in the International Seminar on ‘Values Embedded  in Indian Philosophy, Sponsored by I.C.P.R. New Delhi, Organized by  Department of Philosophy and Religion, Varanasi and the Council for Research in Value and Philosophy, Washington DC, Dated 10-12 January
  • Paper Presented entitled “वेद एवं उपनिषदों में माया का स्वरूप ” in the National Seminar on ‘Socio-Economic changes in India: A Historical and Cultural Perspective (vedic to Modern times)’, Organized by, National Research Institute of Human Culture Varanasi, Dated 11-13 May 2012
  • Paper Presented entitled "महामना मदनमोहन मालवीय की दृष्टि में धर्म का स्वरूप एवं वर्तमान युग में प्रासंगिकता” in the International Seminar on “Malaviya’s thought: Relevant Today and Tomorrow, Organized by , Mahamana malaviya Mission (B.H.U Unit) Varanasi-221005. Dated 8-9 April 2012.
  • Paper Presented entitled श्शांकरवेदान्त में चैतन्य की अवधारणा” in the International Series on “Philosophy & Religion, Organized by Deptt. Of Philosophy & Religion, Arts Faculty, B.H.U Varanasi-221005. dated 22-8 April 2012
  • Paper Presented entitled श् बौद्धदर्शन में क्षणिकवाद की वर्तमान परिप्रेक्ष्य में उपादेयता” in the International Seminar on “Relevance of Shramana Tradition in 21st Century” organized by Parshwanath Vidyapeeth, I.T.I. Road, Karaundi, Varanasi-221005. dated 24-25 February 2012
  • Paper Presented entitled “सांख्यदर्शन में ‘कैवल्य’ की अवधारणा” in 56th  Conference of Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad organized by Somnath Sanskrit University, Somnath dated 5-7 February 2012.
  • Paper Presented entitled ^ जैनधर्म में पर्यावरण-संरक्षण का विचार * in National Conference On ‘Controlling Environmental Pollution through Water Conversation for Sustainable Development’ dated 26-27 November 2011, Organized by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, 194, karaundi, held at Department of Philosophy & Religion, BHU., Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled ^ महर्षि वेद व्यास विरचित ब्रह्मसूत्र का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन * in National Seminar dated 1-2 December, 2011 Organized by Sakhi, Premchand Sahitya Sanssthan, Varanasi& Hindi Department  held at BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled श्शैव-सिद्धान्त में अद्वैतवाद ;शिवद्ध की अवधारणा” in World Conference on Nigamagama Scriptures’ dated 27,28 & 29 November 2011 held at BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled "सांख्यदर्शन एवं शांकरवेदान्त में प्रकृति एवं माया के रूप में स्त्री-विचार” in the 12th Orientation Course in Women’s Studies Organised by Centre for Women’s Studies & Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi dated 25-13 November 2011.
  • Paper Presented entitled ^ वर्तमान समाज में सूचना का अधिकार एवं स्त्री-शिक्षा की चुनौतिया¡* in National Seminar On ‘वर्तमान शैक्षिक चुनौतियाँ व सूचना का अधिकारष् dated 19 November 2011 held at BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled “गीता में ‘‘स्थितप्रज्ञ’’ सर्वोच्च नैतिक आदर्श के रूप में” in 30th National Conference of DARSHAN PARISHAD dated 5-6 November 2011 held at Lucknow University, Lucknow
  • Paper Presented  entitled “Feminist Methodology” in Symposium On ‘Feminist Methodology’ dated 29-30 November 2011 held at BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled सन्त कबीर के वाणि की आधुनिक युग में प्रासंगिकता in International Seminar On ‘आज का भारतीय समाज और कबीर का सच’ dated 18 March 2011. Sponsored by Kabir Chauramath Mulgadi, Varanasi and Kabir Pratishthan Bharat, New Delhi, held at Kabir Chauramath Mulgadi, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled महामना मालवीयजी की दृष्टि में ’सनातन धर्म in National Seminar On ‘ Mahamana’s Vision and Challenges of the Millennium Development Goals’ dated 1-2 March 2011 held at MMV, BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled “काश्मीर शैवागम में शिव एवं सृष्टि के सम्बन्ध का दार्शनिक विवेचन” in International Seminar On ‘Agamshastra’ dated 27-28 March 2011 held at BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled “संत रविदास की दृष्टि में परम्सत की अवधारणा” in International Seminar On * संत रविदासः मानवता के सजग प्रहरी *dated 17-18 February 2011 held at BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled “वर्तमान समाज के परिप्रेक्ष्य में महामना मालवीय जी के शैक्षिक विचार” in Seminar On “Higher Education and Sustainable Development: Emerging Challenges and Mahamana’s Vision’ dated 24-25 December 2010 Organized by Alumni Cell, BHU.
  • Paper Presented entitled “महात्मा गांधी का जीवन-दर्शन और आधुनिक समाज में उसकी उपादेयता” in National Seminar On ‘orZeku lkekftd ifjos”k esa fgUn Lojkt dh izklafxdrk’ dated 24-25 September 2010  Organized  by Suruchi Kala Samiti, and Department of Philosophy & Religion, BHU., Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled “कृतिदेव यहां सांख्यदर्शन के कारणता-सिद्धान्त का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन” in 55th  Conference of Akhil Bhartiya  Darshan  Parishad  organized by Baba Saheb Bhimrav Ambedkar Bihar University muzaffarpur dated 17-19 December 2010.
  • Paper Presented entitled “अजातिवाद एक संक्षिप्त परिचय” in National Seminar On ‘सृष्टिवाद एवं विकासवाद प्राच्य एवं पाश्चात्य अवधारणाएं’ dated 26-27 February 2010, Sponsored by  University  Grand  Commission  and  Organized by Mahatma Gandhi  Kashi Vidhyapeeth, Varanasi.
  • Paper Presented entitled “भारतीय धर्म एवं दर्शन में पर्यावरण की अवधारणा” in National Seminar On ‘The Concept of Environment in Indian Philosophy and Religion’ dated 27-28 March 2010.
  • Paper Presented entitled “सांख्यदर्शन में प्रकृति का स्वरूप” in the 11th Orientation Course in Women’s Studies Organized by Centre for Women’s Studies & Development, Faculty of  Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi dated 8-23 March 2010
  • National Seminar On Spiritual and Mystic Experiences in Jainism, dated 22-23 November, 2014, Organized by Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.
  • National Seminar on ‘Samskritvangmayasya Naitikshikshaya Rashtranirmane yogadanam’ dated 9-10 February, 2014, Organized by Jaipur and Rajasthan Samskrit Academy, Jaipur.
  • National Conference on ‘Integrated Farming Systems for Sustainable Agriculture in Global Market: Challenges and Opportunities’ dated 22-23 December, 2012 Organized by Mahima Research Foundation & Social Welfare 194, Karaundi, BHU, Varanasi.
  • National Seminar On “Values Embedded in Indian Culture and Their Relevance in Present Society dated 30 November 2011, Sponsored By Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi Organized by Department of Philosophy & Religion, BHU., Varanasi.
  • International Indo-Swedish Seminar On “Practice-Based Knowledge in the 21st Century” dated 14-16 November 2011 Organized By Department of Philosophy & Religion, BHU., Varanasi.
  • National Seminar On “The Text and its Interpretation: Indian Philosophical Context dated 11-13 January 2011.
  • . National Conference on “Women Entrepreneurship in India” dated 22-23 October 2010
  • National Seminar on “Role of Shadchakra in Chronic Diseases” Dated 21-22 November 2009
  • All India Seminar on “Relevence of Religion in Contemporary age” dated 24-26 February 2008
  • 7 days Workshop on Navya-Nyaya Text “Vishayatavada” of Gadaghar Bhattacharya Organized by the ICPR from 10 to 16 may 2016
  • National Symposium on Partipation of NGOs in Social Transformation: through Swachch Bharat Abhiyan organized by Faculty of Social Science, BHU, 27 April 2016.
  • 15 days National Workshop on Anuman in Nyay Organized by SVDV, bhu Varanasi.
  • 21st Days Interaction Program for Ph.D. Scholars From August 06 to 26, 2013 Organized By UGC Academic Staff College, BHU, Varanasi.
  • Orientation Program on Research in Philosophy Organized by the Indian council of Philosophical Research at Darshan Bhavan, New Delhi from 7-9 March 2013.
  • 15 day National Workshop on Nyayashastra from 11 to 24 January, 2013, in the department of vedic darshan vibhag, SVDV Varanasi.
  • Two weeks International Workshop on Non-violent approaches to Peace from December 14-27, 2012, Organized by UNESCO chair for Peace & intercultural understanding, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University in collaboration with United States India Educational Foundation, New Delhi.
  • National Workshop on “Baudh Vidhya ke Vividh Aayam, Gandhi Vichar avam Vishva Shanti” from 25 November to 9 December 2012, Organized by Research Institute on Human Culture Varanasi.
  • 15th day National Workshop on “Various aspects and Fundamentals of Jainism” From 23 September to 7 October 2012 Organized by Pershwanath Visyapeeth ITI Road Varanasi.
  • Workshop On Granthanuvad dated 24-30 November 2011 Organized by Sanskrit Department, Banaras Hindu University.
  • 12th Orientation Course in Women’s Studies dated 25th November to 13th December 2011 Organized by Centre for Women’s Studies and Development B.H.U.
  • Symposium On “Feminist Methodology” dated 29-30 September, 2011 Organized by Centre for Women’s Studies and Development B.H.U.
  • 11th Orientation Course in Women’s Studies dated 8-23 March 2010 Organized by Centre for Women’s Studies and Development B.H.U.
  • Workshop On “Introduction to Natural Language Processing dated 25-29 October 2010 Organized by the linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages, Central Institute of Indian Languages Mysore, in the Collaboration with the Department of Linguistics, Banaras Hindu University.
  • Workshop On “Personality Enrichment” dated 12-14, February 2010 Organized by BHU Student Council.